Thursday, 11 August 2016

My Two Cents Drawing Room Furniture

Drawing room furniture adorns the parlor. It is this set of furnishing that sets your standard – creative, social as well professional. The term ‘furniture’ has a wider connotation what with it referring to all things that are used for decorating a room and which are also movable. Therefore, it includes not just the tables and the chairs or the sofa sets but also the awnings and even the wall hangings.


The arrangement of the various items within the drawing room affects an overall impact on the viewer as he/she occupies it. An instant notion is formed, and that sticks in the mind of the newcomer. This is the first inkling that generally tends to be the lasting impression!

So, take pains to ensure that what items you wish to keep in your parlor and also how you present them. It is similar to your signature or your handwriting which are vital tools to the expert to judge your personality. Think twice before setting the furniture within the drawing room.


The things in the room and the ways in which they are displayed along with the wall hangings and even the photos besides the curtains or the window blinds and the color combinations or the dominance of a single color in all the furnishings are vital factors that go to create the first impression on the person.

Remember, this first picture of the inanimate objects will lead to a lasting view of the animate object, i.e., you! Imagine that happens even before you have given him the audience.

Sounds rather strange… Doesn’t it… No, it’s not… This is because that’s how the first inkling is the last impression!

The moot point is, “How does it happen?” The answer is the drawing furniture and its layout.

Well, how would you judge these two persons: One is designing his drawing room with various designer knives and bamboo sofa sets and tables while the other has pitched sceneries on the walls with the floor layout having rattan (cane) furniture.

In both the cases, the inclination of the owner of the house towards natural items is quite evident. However, in the first instance, the person has a more forceful and might be an adamant or aggressive nature whereas in the latter case the tilt towards less dynamic nature. Nonetheless, the creative personality is quite marked in either instance, though in varied and different degrees and perspective.

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